UFM Underwear – Nonsurgical Option For Male Incontinence

UFM Underwear – Nonsurgical Option For Male Incontinence

A medical symptom, Incontinence is not a disease but is treated like one. According to the definition, it is a condition that leads to unintentional leakage of urine. Men and women can experience this condition for a variety of reasons, for instance; after a long illness, because of advancing age or as a side effect of a surgery. Whatever the reason is, men are more likely to experience these symptoms as compared to women.


There are different types of incontinence that all have similar effects – leakage of urine. Read on to find out which category you fit in.

  • Overflow Incontinence

This is experienced when the bladder does not empty out completely and becomes stretched with a large volume of urine. The urine has no other option but to leak out of the overstretched bladder. Another cause of overflow incontinence is that the bladder has lost its contractile power and cannot efficiently squeeze out the urine.

  • Stress Incontinence

Another popular type, stress Incontinence may occur in males, who have recently undergone a urogenital surgery. You can experience this condition when your urinary sphincter mechanism is disrupted. Loss of urine can be experienced with simple activities such as sneezing, laughing or even standing.

  • Urge Incontinence

It is the most common type of Incontinence that is caused by over activity of the bladder. Discharge of urine occurs because of the unstoppable urge to empty the bladder. It may be caused by infection, incomplete emptying of the bladder or urethral growth.

  • Mixed Incontinence

This is caused when symptoms of both stress incontinence and urge incontinence are observed at the same time. A person can experience this condition when he is unable to control his urine while sneezing or coughing and is rushing to the bathroom all the time.


A common problem, male Incontinence is not a widely discussed topic. Patients feel embarrassed talking about their condition with their friends and family and hence it remains as one of the most neglected topics. If you are suffering from this disease and feel embarrassed talking about this problem of yours, do you want to avail a nonsurgical method of treatment? If yes, you have come to the right place.

Incontinence can effect both males and females at any age, however, elders are most severely affected. Here is a short guide that will help you to choose the best Incontinence underwear.

When making the decision to choose an Incontinence underwear, people often do not understand the importance of a perfect size. If you do not opt for a perfectly sized underwear, there will be greater chances that the pad will not sit properly and you will experience leakage. UFM underwear has been designed to make the wearer comfortable in his underwear.

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While buying the Incontinence underwear, make sure that you are buying one depending on the severity of your condition. UFM underwear is a perfect solution for patients dealing with mild to moderate symptoms of Incontinence.

At UFM – Underwear for Men, we design US patented and Intl patents pending adjustable support underwear that can be used easily by the

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patient suffering from Incontinence.

The adjustable pouch has been designed in such a manner that it works great with Prevail and Depends, male guard disposable products. So, now there is no need to use the awkwardly styled adult diapers when you have the option to use Depends® male guard with ease for maximum absorbency.

So, if you have been diagnosed with Incontinence, take an athletic approach toward the situation. UFM underwear for men provides a perfect fit and excellent support to the patients when it is required the most.

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