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UFM Boxer Briefs Helps With Prostate Surgery Side Effects

When you undergo any type of prostate surgery, the chance of experiencing side effects do exist. Because surgery is the last solution for many medical conditions, the benefits of surgery can outweigh the risks. If you are a man that went through prostate surgery and is experiencing side effects, there are boxer briefs made to provide you with relief. Underwear For Men's boxer briefs were invented for sports and offer superior support and comfort for men dealing with prostate surgery side effects. These urologist-recommended boxer briefs are a great solution for men looking for post-surgery care and the right underwear for incontinence issues.

Incontinence After Prostate Surgery

Although incontinence sounds straightforward, the medical community actually places incontinence into a few categories. After prostate surgery, men are susceptible to experiencing any type of incontinence. There are three types of incontinence men experience as a result of prostate surgery:

  • Stress Incontinence: Leakages occur when the valve responsible for keeping the bladder closed is put under stress.
  • Overflow Incontinence: Leakages occur when the bladder gets too full but the person does not experience the feeling of needing to urinate.
  • Urge Incontinence: Leakages occur when a man has a sudden need to urinate without any warning or buildup.

No matter what type of incontinence you have, the symptoms not only affect you physically, it impacts your emotional and mental well-being. Men experiencing incontinence often shy away from leaving the house because feeling embarrassed in public isn’t worth it to them. No matter how many times your loved ones tell you it’s not your fault, you still might shy away from getting out of the house. Men experiencing incontinence get security with UFM boxer briefs. The adjustable pouch makes it easy for you to keep padding in place without any worry.

Our Boxer Briefs Help With All Kinds of Incontinence

Underwear For Men is proud to offer a solution to men of all ages that are experiencing issues with incontinence. Our underwear has a US patented and Intl patents pending adjustable pouch that supports your manhood gently. You simply tie the drawstrings of the adjustable pouch and your manhood stays in place without any concern. This is essential for guys that rely on padding and guards for incontinence. You simply place the padding and it stays where it is supposed to. Experience life without worrying about accidents when UFM boxer briefs are keeping everything in place. Urologists recommend our boxer briefs because they are functional for medical purposes but also stylish. Dr. Ronald Wheeler, a highly-regarded urologist, says “As soon as I realized leakage problems would go away, I knew this would be a great fit for my temporarily incontinent patients. It also allows men to feel manly again after prostate cancer treatments.”

Promote Healing with Our Boxer Briefs

Unlike other options such as compression shorts, Underwear For Men does not suffocate or squish you. When recovering from surgery, your manhood needs stability and also comfort. Compression shorts rely on the basic principle of holding everything in place by pushing your manhood into a small area. This is not how our boxer briefs work. The adjustable pouch feels custom fit to your size. It also has room for any additional padding you will need. Heal rapidly and effectively with UFM boxer briefs on – in either the 6-inch or the 9-inch styles. Our moisture-wicking fabric helps you feel cool, keeps you dry and odor-free as you recover.

About Underwear For Men’s Boxer Briefs

No matter the prostate surgery you undergo, our boxer briefs are designed to help. We create boxer briefs in both 6-inch and 9-inch inseam lengths. This means guys with larger or more muscular legs are still comfortable due to the extended length. Our boxer briefs have a tapered leg so you never deal with rolling up or bunching of fabric. The US patented and Intl patents pending adjustable pouch is easy to tie. This means you get a gentle hammock for your manhood. The fabric holds any necessary padding in place, never jostles your manhood, and does not rely on compression to keep you secure. If you prefer briefs, this style is also available from Underwear For Men. Our brand started thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign and grew quickly into a global company.

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